Tag: mangold

Beetroot Smoothie

Yesterday’s harvest included some small beet roots, as the beets needed thinning. I was planning to cook a summer borschtsch but realized I’m still lacking some ingredients. I retreated to my regular solution for left-over fruits and veggie; smoothie. Smoothies are my life-saver on busy mornings. Post-Corona, I am back to the stressful big city […]

Pasta, Chicken, Mangold-Pesto

Chicken breast or chicken roast leftovers Mangold-Pesto Garlic Oregano Chili Pasta Boil the pasta. Cut the chicken into comfortable bites. Fry the chicken in olive oil with garlic, salt, pepper and lot’s of oregano. Serve the pasta with pesto and chicken, garnish with slices of fresh chili.

Dear Diary – 19.9.20

It was a surprisingly warm week with lots of sun. All the plants went right back into production mode. Harvested all the sweet corn, salad, freed the beans from the accidental mustard salad, plucked some peas, uprooted celery and leek.