cheeky chickpea

we love chickpeas. they contain a lot of protein and have been cultivated for food for more than 7500 years. they are versatile and easy to store. one of the items you can easily bulk buy at a packaging-free grocery store or a market stall. we always keep several kilos at home. it seemed just logical to plant some in our little urban garden. we literally took a handful of peas from our storage, threw them in water for an hour and pressed them into the ground. after about a week they sprouted. grew, blossomed and produced cute little offsprings within no time. each husk contains between one and three green peas that can be eaten directly on the field. we collected the whole bunch, put them in an iron pan in the oven until slightly burnt, salted them and devoured them from the bowl, much like edamame. upside: fun and pretty plants that don’t need any attention (except for the occasional water). downside: low space/ crop ratio. will we replant them next year? hell yeah.