Beetroot Smoothie

Yesterday’s harvest included some small beet roots, as the beets needed thinning. I was planning to cook a summer borschtsch but realized I’m still lacking some ingredients. I retreated to my regular solution for left-over fruits and veggie; smoothie. Smoothies are my life-saver on busy mornings. Post-Corona, I am back to the stressful big city parental mornings and more often than not, I cannot find the time to eat a healthy breakfast. A smoothie is a fast and resourceful alternative to quick cornflakes.

  • 4 tiny beet roots
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1 fistful of cashew nuts
  • 1 handful of strawberries
  • 2 mangold leaves
  • 1 small stem of fennel greens
  • oat milk as a base