Author: alfayam

Dear Diary, 23.08.2020

Tomato plants are still carrying, some even flowering, but obviously slowly losing energy. Season is mostly over. Harvested the coriander seeds, not 100% dry yet, but nice enough, great aroma. Will also be used to replant next year. Plucked blackberries with the trolls, not enough for marmelade. Found elderberries and walnuts that will be ready […]

Pickled Watermelon

We plucked our one and only watermelon way too early. It was too sad to throw it away, so: pickle it. I picked a recipe for winter pumpkin and used it in the watermelon. You need a clean glass with an airtight cover. Really clean, as in: boil before use. Peel and cut into small […]

Dear Diary, 22.08.2020

Situation today: harvested tomatoes, most of the potatoes and beets, planted onions and yellow beans from seeds, parsley and basil as small plants. Carrots, coriander, salad and endives are growing nicely. Collected mustard seeds from the dry plants, coriander seeds next. Canned nine glasses of tomatoes and two glasses of beets, pickled green tomatoes and […]

cheeky chickpea

we love chickpeas. they contain a lot of protein and have been cultivated for food for more than 7500 years. they are versatile and easy to store. one of the items you can easily bulk buy at a packaging-free grocery store or a market stall. we always keep several kilos at home. it seemed just […]

Ice, Ice, Baby

Hot? Cool: Earl Grey Cinnamon Ice Tea. Something we brought back from a visit to Sri Lanka (proud home to both amazing tea and the sweetest of cinnamons). Take a big glass or can (1,5l). Add two canes of cinnamon and 3 spoons of Earl Grey tea, top up with boiling water and let steep […]

Zucchini by the ton, what to do?

Just read a tweet of someone who announced; if you are a beginner at gardening, you should know that one zucchini plant will supply enough crop for a mid-sized city. So true. We were lucky to harvest zucchini after zucchini after zucchini. We gave away some, we pickled some, we filled some with meet, we […]

tomato days

what’s better than a hot day in summer? a vibrant memory of a hot day in summer on a cold winter evening! one of my favourite stories is the story of Frederick the mouse. while his fellow mice collect grains, corn, and nuts for the winter, Frederick collects colours, warmth and words. and saves the […]


it’s tomato time, baby. every time we go to our garden, we take home a bag full of tomatoes. don’t get me wrong, that’s amazing! we also have three zucchini plants which keep producing crop and I’m honestly scared to check on them, what is a household of four to do with trillions of zucchini?! […]