Author: alfayam

Dear Diary – 08.07.2021

Serious harvesting started. We had peas and purslane, spinach and radishes and lettuce so far, but now the bigger hauls are coming in. Kohlrabi, beet root, mangold, zucchinis (25 and counting so far), cucumbers, fennel. The tomatoes and other brassicas are sizing up, the pumpkins are taking over – as is their habit. Main work […]

Beetroot Smoothie

Yesterday’s harvest included some small beet roots, as the beets needed thinning. I was planning to cook a summer borschtsch but realized I’m still lacking some ingredients. I retreated to my regular solution for left-over fruits and veggie; smoothie. Smoothies are my life-saver on busy mornings. Post-Corona, I am back to the stressful big city […]

Spinach with Buckwheat Popcorn

We harvested the last of our spinach. Most of the leaves went to the freezer, but some into the pan. Fried with onions and sliced green chilis. Add some coconut milk and heat up once more. Main dish done. Rice works well as a side. I added two fancy garnishes; fermented salted lemon and buckwheat […]

Frittata with Salad

I like a late but hearty breakfast on weekends. Shakshuka is one option, frittata is another. With still lot’s of greens and roots from the garden, here it’s accompanied by a salad (greens, carrot, turnip, cucumber, pomegranate). For the dressing I used my homemade apple/pear-vinegar, mustard seeds, lemon juice, olive oil, honey and salt. For […]

Dear Diary – 26.09.

wet and cold days ahead, so we plucked a lot of green tomatoes to save them. some might still turn red on the windowsill, all the rest will be pickled. two zucchini added to the fridge and some more still on the plant with a chance of reaching edible size before the season is over. […]

Burrito – Mix and Match

Burrito is one of our family favourites. Yes, it takes some preparation and some ingredients that you probably don’t have on stock. we always keep some tortillas in the freezer and have canned beans and corn, as well as pickled jalapenos in the storage. additionally you will need to prepare guacamole, salsa and spiced rice. […]

Easy Lentil Soup

let two cups of lentils soak for at least half an hour in water. chop an onion. fry both the onion and the (drained) lentils for a couple of minutes in olive oil. if you have, add two-three slices of fresh curcuma. add hot water and let boil until lentils are done. salt to taste. […]

Majaderah and Hot Tomato Salad

two perfect sides for a fish or a full meal by its own means (just add yogurt) Big onion (sliced) cup of lentils (best soaked in water for a couple of hours/ overnight) cup of bulgur cumin three tomatoes one fresh hot chili one clove of garlic half a lemon olive oil Majaderah is a […]

Pasta, Chicken, Mangold-Pesto

Chicken breast or chicken roast leftovers Mangold-Pesto Garlic Oregano Chili Pasta Boil the pasta. Cut the chicken into comfortable bites. Fry the chicken in olive oil with garlic, salt, pepper and lot’s of oregano. Serve the pasta with pesto and chicken, garnish with slices of fresh chili.