Month: August 2020

Zucchini by the ton, what to do?

Just read a tweet of someone who announced; if you are a beginner at gardening, you should know that one zucchini plant will supply enough crop for a mid-sized city. So true. We were lucky to harvest zucchini after zucchini after zucchini. We gave away some, we pickled some, we filled some with meet, we […]

tomato days

what’s better than a hot day in summer? a vibrant memory of a hot day in summer on a cold winter evening! one of my favourite stories is the story of Frederick the mouse. while his fellow mice collect grains, corn, and nuts for the winter, Frederick collects colours, warmth and words. and saves the […]


it’s tomato time, baby. every time we go to our garden, we take home a bag full of tomatoes. don’t get me wrong, that’s amazing! we also have three zucchini plants which keep producing crop and I’m honestly scared to check on them, what is a household of four to do with trillions of zucchini?! […]